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Rabbi Yechiel Weisz


Rabbi Yechiel Weisz was born in Zurich, Switzerland to a prestigious rabbinic family. After studying in Europe he moved to Israel to continue his education at Yeshivat Torat Moshe and later at Yeshiva Mir under Rabbi Shmuelevitz. Over the years, he has taught at various yeshivot and seminaries. He received his Rabbinic ordination while studying for his teaching degree in educational psychology. Rabbi Weisz was the Co-Founder of ACE Israel, a dynamic high school for the spirited teen. Rabbi Weisz is known for his warmth and understanding of human nature, his deep and inspirational classes, as well as his love for music, sports and nature. He lives in Ramat Bet Shemesh with his wife Malka Leah and five children.

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